Our History


The beginning of everything

Bibleway Church was organized in December 1982 by its founding pastor, Robert R. Ellis, Sr.  The church’s first services were held in the home of a member of the congregation with an initial membership of with seven faithful stewards.


The Lord blessed and added to our church

In January 1984, we relocated our services to the Bellaire Elementary School, Jasper Road, Killeen. We dedicated the school cafeteria as our sanctuary and praised God for the things He had done for us. We remained at this location for three years.


God gave the increase

It was our Pastor’s desire to build. We were given a chapel located at Fort Hood, Texas.  The Lord had other plans for us, even greater than our expectations. The property next to the school was for sale. We inquired about the property and after seeking God for direction we made purchase of this … our present location. The property listed for $250,000. 

The people had a mind to work. We rallied our efforts, watered them with prayer, and God gave the increase.


The Story Continues

Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision the people perish.” God has given this leader a vision. The mission of our church is to reach the lost, discouraged, and minister to the whole man. 

Pastor Ellis encouraged each member to catch the vision. He believed God for greater things for the ministry. Plans were drawn for our addition. He preached, taught, envisioned with the congregation that we would build. 

We began Phase One of this construction, February 1993.  This building houses our Multi-purpose room, administrative offices, youth ministries and will hold our Day Care. Land was purchased for a parking lot . 

We have confessed that we will be debt free. Pastor Ellis desires adequate facilities to enhance our ministry. 

Habakkuk 2:2 “And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon the tables, that he may run that read it.